Wednesday, 5 June 2013

For slandering, Prof Rajeev Kumar can be dragged to court and sued.

Has anyone ever thought about how Prof Rajeev Kumar can easily be dragged to court on defamation suit!!! He has been continuously slandering people on his blog

Till date whole world knew he is the owner but proofs were not there to directly link him. Let me now show you all something. Check this link. (LINK). He has posted mail exchanges he HIMSELF did with many. And at the end he has even posted the personal mails to IIT authorities where he is pleading with them to let his son get admitted to IIT Kharagpur. Mr Kumar, RTI is always there to get hold of all those letters especially ones sent to Prof Dube and Prof Patra. But I need not even post those, any intelligent person would know except for you none would show them publicly. (Just a short note Prof Kumar, don't even try to delete those as backup of that whole page is already with us).

Now to show all how he is slandering on his blog repeatedly. They all fall under defamation case. He makes sure to paste only those articles which are to his favour or which is in any way demeaning one of the education institution. But fine, those are then by media, but what about posts made by HIM???? We already showed you all his mail on Prof S K Dube. (LINK)

Each case presented with screen shots, click on the images to enlarge.

Case - 1

Look at the second para. The student was sexually assaulted by the Prof. After inquiry he was found guilty and hence suspended. Mr Kumar, hope you realise what demeaning statement you have written here as far as the girl is concerned!!!!!!!! Today our nation is going through worse crisis when it comes to women and what better can we expect when educated people carry such thinking. And why shouldn't the Registrar lodge the complaint. The student lodged complaint against the Prof to IIT administration, and IIT asked the Registrar in turn to lodge FIR. Why try finding some hidden agenda here and slander the name of a Woem student???? Its too shameful. Prof Kumar, another dear friend of yours, the homeopathy doctor Dr Sharma also has been made to take forced retirement for the similar reasons. Too many women of the institute had complained against him. Pray you don't come up with another derogatory story to save his skin too.

This girl and even IIT Kharagpur can sue Prof Kumar for this particular comment of his.

Case - 2

A judicial probe was ordered by IIT Kharagpur to come to conclusion if Prof Rajeev Kumar really was guilty. Retired judge Justice Ronojit Kumar Mitra was appointed to do the inquiry. And this is the respect he has for a "Judicial Probe". How did he come to the conclusion that Justice Mitra would be biased??? This is one of the most horrible remark that he could have passed. Its nothing less than slandering the character of a judge by calling him cheat!!

Case - 3

He talks about HIS IPR getting grabbed or stolen. Can he give ONE SINGLE PROOF of the same???? But yes we do have proof showing he himself indulged in IPR Grabbing. Check this Link, we talk with proofs. (LINK)

And coming to the point 14. Fine there could be conflict of interest with BOG and Rajeev Kumar. But to say "board is solely aimed for shield the corrupt and shoot the messenger" is going bit too too far. IIT Kharagpur and BOG has a case here to drag Prof Kumar for defamation.

Case - 4

Again he does it!!!! We already showed on this blog how the complete laptop issue was a farce. (LINK-1) (LINK-2).

But what is interesting here is the charges he is leveling on others. Especially the last one of Prof A K Majumdar. His wife has been working on a project and was getting just what any project staff salary is selected. To say he was "siphoning off million" for her, thats more ridiculous as the concerned project itself was of hardly few lakhs. Again IIT Kharagpur has a defamation case in hand against Rajeev Kumar and so does the people named here.

Case - 5

We won't even go into all that CVC and CBI and Coalnet issue as its under investigation. And in couple of days time report is also expected. But lets touch upon the IPR part. The project was NOT of Prof Chakrabarti's personal one. He was representing IIT Kharagpur. Hence its logical that the institute would be fight the case. This case is being fought not just for the sake of fighting but being fought for national pride. IIT Kharagpur students and faculties created a software which another US company wants to take credit, hence the case. Moreover Prof Kumar, when you were writing this, Indian court already gave verdict in favour of IIT Kharagpur. Mind you THE COURT GAVE THE VERDICT IN FAVOUR OF IIT KHARAGPUR AND NOT ONE INDIVIDUAL. Your stand actually goes complete against nationalism Prof Kumar!!! Already US and other West countries have taken patent to many of our own things, atleast stand by foor national pride sake!!!!

Case - 6

This is one of the worse slandering that Prof Kumar could have done. Mr Shiv Nadar has been awarded the Padma Bhushan for his contribution to nation's IT industry. He is the pride of the nation even on international level. Not just IIT Kharagpur, even Madras Univ honoured him with DSc degree. They all were fools to give him so much honour, right Mr Kumar??? To call such a respected man "Vendor" is slanderous!!! Have you even gone through shivnadarfoundation trust works? Have you seen how much work this trust is doing for education in India, and mind you its a non profit organisation. And dragging Mr Muthuraman and Arjun Malhotra is ridiculous. In your view they too don't deserve Hon DSc degree. I hope you are aware of the fact that Mr Malhotra is an IIT Kharagpur BTech and has invested in creating the IT dept. He is among those many, who IIT Kharagpur is proud of.

Mr Nadar and even Mr Malhotra and others can sue this Prof for slandering them publicly.

And then he says he is being slandered by all at IIT Kharagpur!!!!!


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